Sunday 2 May 2010

Night & Day - Chapter III

The next day started with a fight with my boss.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the most crucial part of all this?!”
“Because I knew that you’ll get mad when I do!”
“And why, from the very beginning, did you send me to live there?!”
He remained quiet for a moment and his face became serious.
“I couldn’t help it… he requested me to do so…”
“Yes, Mr. Devan. He said that it will be much easier this way. And you’ll be able to do your job without effort.”
“Yeah, without effort… sure...”
Mr. Robertson kept apologizing to me on and on.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Miget… Lydia… but can you bear with this for a while? Our alliance with the Devans is extremely important. I’m sorry for putting this on you.”
I didn’t say anything back. I was still upset.
“If you’re worrying about it, please feel at ease. Mr. Devan is a gentleman and won’t let anything happen to you.”
I kind of already realized that, but the paranoid girl that wasn’t used to living under the same roof with a man about the same age as her just wouldn’t shut up.
I sighed and then I turned around to leave the office.
“… Where are you going?”
“… To pack my things. Didn’t you say that I had to stay there?”
Boss seemed relieved from hearing my answer, but it was obvious that he was still feeling guilty about that. I couldn’t really blame him though…
When I got home, I started packing a few things that I thought I would need.
I was still grumpy because of this situation, but oh well… I decided to leave it like that, because after thinking better about this, I realized that it really was more convenient this way. If I had to be his guide and instructor, I had to stay with him all the time.
That thought made my heart pound for a bit. I slapped my hands on my face a bit, to ‘come back’ to reality. It would be impossible for something to happen between us.
After thinking almost non-stop about this matter, I remember something which made me confused for a while.
When Mr. De… Michael, first called and spoke with boss, it seemed that he already knew me. And right after that, he said that I should stay here.
I wonder what…
“No! I’m becoming paranoid again!” I said in a loud voice, as if I was trying to convince myself. But it still seemed weird…
Another slap on my face, and after that, I closed the zipper of my bag and left my house, going to my new ‘workplace’.
When I rang at the doorbell, the old butler answered and welcomed me in, showing me to my room.
I was amazed when I entered it. The room wasn’t really overly large, but the furniture was making it really beautiful.
A big window was right on the other side of the room, facing the door. The curtains were of a dark, elegant red, tied up so that the light could come in. The bed was huge, placed in front of the window, with its left side facing it. A wardrobe as large as the bed was on the right side of the room, being in line with the bed, facing it.
It was so stylish. Modern, but with the same classic feel as the house was giving off as well.
“Do you like it?”
I turned around and saw Michael at the door. And the butler… he seemed to have just disappeared... great...
“It’s really nice. But you shouldn’t have bothered with me like this…”
He smiled at my moment when I got all modest. But his eyes were still as mysterious as ever, making me feel like I was falling right into them.
“It’s not a problem. Enjoy your stay here.”
He turned around to leave, and then stopped.
“Oh… I forgot to tell you.” He turned his head to me, fixing me with his eyes again. “I like the scent of your perfume. Really natural… and sweet.”
He smiled, and then left.
I smelled myself. I didn’t use any perfume, nor did I smell of anything. And there was something weird about that smile too…
“No, stop being so paranoid already!”
It seems like talking to myself makes me feel better lately…
I went to sleep, hoping that I’ll have some peace of mind until next morning. But things didn’t go as I had planned…
Right after I fell asleep, I started dreaming…
I was on some halls, walking, or better said almost running. Running from something. As I reached the end of the hall, something grabbed my arm from behind and pulled me back. When I turned around, I saw a mysterious figure, and the only thing I could see were his eyes: deep, dark blue.
I woke up with my heart pounding heavily. I took my head into my hands and turned around, making myself into a small ball. I was already feeling uneasy…
I tried to sleep, but even though I was trying to think about pleasant things, I still had nightmares…

Author: Lacramioara Cobzaru

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